Petri Takala

Petri is the Vice President of Product Marketing. He also leads Good Sign’s solution evolution for selected industries. Petri is an experienced business leader with a strong background in business management systems within several industries.

2 min read

If Your SaaS Business Is Leaking Revenue, Here Is How to Stop It

You might not be aware, but according to EY* it is estimated that businesses leak about 1-5% of their EBITDA in revenue. Just like with any leak, it goes unnoticed but could lead to structural damage. Only 10% of revenue leakage could lead to 30%...

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2 min read

Increase Customer Satisfaction Using Your Billing Data

Billing is typically a straightforward process that most companies have optimized in terms of efficiency. The efficiency is often measured by looking...

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3 min read

When Billing Hurts Your Business

Billing Might Hurt Your Business No, we are not talking about receiving an invoice from a supplier. That is what we would call self-inflicted pain....

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2 min read

What Makes Billing Crucial in SaaS

Scaling A SaaS Business Is A Different Ballgame SaaS is hot, and while the subscription economy is nowadays mainstream, many client companies...

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2 min read

Trends In Billing Technology - Adapting Customer Centricity

The Age of Customer Centricity The customer is always right, but there has never been a time when the customer had so many options to be right in...

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Agile Billing Enables Fast To Market

2 min read

How Billing Can Be A Showstopper In Your Time To Market

New Models, New Pricing, New Billing? Todays’ innovation pace is faster than ever before in history. That is reflected in the record time...

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